“Unveiling the Mysteries of Windows 11: A Comprehensive Guide”

Windows 11: A Comprehensive Review

Microsoft's Windows 11 has been in the market since October 2021. As we approach its two-year mark, it's time to take a closer look at this operating system. In this comprehensive review, we'll explore its features, design, customizability, and performance. We'll also delve into its strengths and weaknesses, and whether it's a worthy upgrade from Windows 10.


Windows 11 had a rocky start with performance and compatibility issues at launch. However, Microsoft has since ironed out most of these problems, making Windows 11 a reliable and likeable system. But the question remains: Is Windows 11 a step forward from Windows 10? And should you choose it over ChromeOS or MacOS if given the option?


Windows 11 maintains a similar layout to Windows 10, with some minor changes. The top layer of Windows 11 consists of five sections: the desktop, the Start menu, the Windows search bar and icon dock, the Tray Area, and the Widgets panel. While the layout is familiar, it's when you delve deeper into the system that Windows 11 differentiates itself from MacOS and Chrome OS.


Compared to previous versions, Windows 11 has limited customisation options. For instance, you can't move the bottom home screen taskbar to the side of the screen as you could in older versions. However, the desktop allows for some customisation, such as adding widgets for things like clock displays, CPU meters, or calendars. Windows 11 also supports themes, which are presets that collate wallpapers and menu accent colours.

Apps and Software

Windows 11 supports Android apps through the Amazon AppStore, offering a cross-platform app experience. However, the built-in Microsoft Store is clunky and can be a pain to use. Despite this, Windows 11 remains the default platform for computer software, with a market share of 54.95% compared to MacOS's 33.91% according to Statcounter.

Performance and Gaming

When it comes to gaming, Windows 11 is unbeatable. It offers the most expansive library and the widest support. While it had some performance issues at the start, most of these have been resolved, making it a reliable choice for gamers. However, it does have higher entry requirements than Windows 10, with a minimum of 4GB RAM for a 64-bit installation.

Should You Buy It?

If you're looking for a versatile operating system with better-than-ever compatibility, Windows 11 is a solid