Introducing the Luminary Roli Seaboard Block M: A Compact and Expressive MIDI Controller

Product Overview: Luminary Roli Seaboard Block M

The Luminary Roli Seaboard Block M is a compact, portable MIDI controller that brings the innovative 5D Touch technology to a smaller, more affordable package. It features 24 keys and a pared-back set of controls, but can be paired with another Seaboard Block to create a 48-key keyboard. The Block M is constructed from premium materials and is designed to withstand the rigors of touring. It also comes bundled with ROLI Studio software.

Potential Likes and Dislikes


  • The 5D Touch technology allows for incredibly expressive playing.
  • The compact, portable design makes it ideal for musicians on the go.
  • The ability to connect two Blocks together to create a larger keyboard offers flexibility.
  • The inclusion of ROLI Studio software adds value to the package.


  • The Block M is primarily made of plastic, which may not feel as premium as the metal-framed Seaboard Rise 2.
  • The lack of precision frets may make it harder to navigate the keyboard by feel.
  • The limited number of instruments that can fully utilize MPE controls may limit its appeal.

Comparison with Other Products

Compared to other MIDI controllers in its price range, the Luminary Roli Seaboard Block M stands out for its unique 5D Touch technology. However, it lacks some of the features found in more expensive models, such as the Seaboard Rise 2's multiple macro controls and precision frets. In terms of price, the Block M is more affordable than the Rise 2, making it a more accessible option for musicians interested in MPE.

Product Recommendation

The Luminary Roli Seaboard Block M is recommended for musicians who want to experiment with MPE and are looking for a portable, affordable MIDI controller. It's also suitable for those who value expressive playing and the ability to control a DAW-less setup.

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